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15 JUNE 2019
(see programme below for full details)
The ICON Classic is Britain’s best known downwind ocean paddlesport race. Now in its 10th Anniversary Year, it has become a key date in the GB Ocean Ski, SUP Outrigger and Paddleboard racing calendars.
1. Introduction
Over the past ten years, the race has grown in reputation, attracting top World and European ski paddlers – Sean Rice, Yannick Laousse, Benoit Le Roux, Joep van Bakel, Angie Mouden and Chloe Bunnett are just to mention a few.
This event also attracts some of the UK’s finest downwind SUP paddlers. Such as defending champions Ollie Shilston and Marie Buchanan. Now in it’s 3rd year, the ‘open class’ SUP race sports a field of the UK’s top 30 downwind racers. The 11km course that starts at Lee Bay has become a key event in the UK calendar for the SUP and OC paddlers who want to test their ocean skills. Top UK paddlers such as Ollie Shillston, Marie Buchanan, Pete Holliday and Ryan James are regular faces battling it out for the top spots. (For more SUP specific race event information, refer to the Downwind SUP UK & Ireland Facebook members' group).
2. Courses & Map

*Tap to open lightbox, then pinch to enlarge
17km Course – Woolacombe to Combe Martin
Race time: c.80-120 mins
The Classic course heads due north out of Woolacombe Bay towards the notorious Morte Point (French for ‘Death Point’…!). This is where the mighty Atlantic Ocean meets the equally mighty Bristol Channel – home of the world’s second highest tidal range. These two giant bodies of water crash together at Morte Point creating the environment for some monumental sea chop to paddle through! Paddling skills are tested to the limit in any kind of swell, so all senses need to be engaged just 10 minutes into the race start! Not surprisingly, this headland has a dark history of ship wrecking on its sharp jagged rocks; seafarers are advised only ever to navigate the legendary Morte Point during high tide and with a heightened state of awareness – and the same applies to paddlers…..!
Once through Morte Point, there is a sense of relief as the race course steers 60º hard right rudder and east towards Bull Point, where paddling rhythm cannot be assured for at least another 2km until the chop from these corner headlands has calmed. Then, with the spectacular North Devon coastline stretching into the distance, comes the potential to start to really surf the rollers. With 9km of straight paddling ahead and 12km to the finish, it’s time to employ those sea skills learned in training that maximise speed and optimise energy, and find your ‘race-pace’. Lee Bay is very soon passing on the right at the 11km to go mark… so also time to look out for the other paddlesport craft who set off from there about 20-30 mins ago… (continue reading the 11km Course…)
11km Course – Lee Bay to Combe Martin
Race time: c.60-100 mins
SUPs, Prones and Outriggers will have started at a similar time as Surfskis, so most will have already navigated out of the small harbour at Lee Bay and out onto the Bristol Channel. Depending on conditions, the potential for a consistent swell is best along this part of the coastline if the wind is a westerly and downwind as hoped. Depending on the distance from the coastline, paddlers maybe aware of the 5 smaller (non-threatening) headlands before arriving at Ilfracombe – marking over half way for Woolacombe paddlers, and just under half way for paddlers not long out of Lee Bay. After another 3km of riding the rollers, Rillage Point will be the last small headland to paddle passed before beginning the turn further east, and into the home stretch of Combe Martin Bay. With Watermouth Harbour and Castle on the right, the exit from the Bristol Channel has well and truly started – with just 3km left and the finish in the distance, the end is beginning to feel imminent…
But don’t relax yet! These last few kilometres can be the toughest as tiredness sets in and the bay swell throws in some last minute surprises! If the Bristol Channel was consistent, the bay may lure paddlers into a false sense of security. Rollers here can often rebound creating a back swell and swirl. So be prepared. Otherwise the ride to the finish may feel a lot longer and trickier than expected.
Once passed Broadsands Beach on the right, there’s just another 1000m left for that sprint of glory, the run up the beach, and the smile for the cameras as you go through the finish…
But then again, as you’ve been giving it 100% at the end, you might want to prepare yourself for something completely different………!
Alternative Course – Combe Martin Bay
Should conditions on the day be considered too risky to hold the race on the Ocean, there is an alternative circuit event starting and finishing at Combe Martin. If conditions are ambiguous, a decision will be made at the end of the briefing, or before the start of the race.
3. Programme
1100 Registration
Woolacombe Village Hall EX34 7BT
All day parking available.
• Don’t forget! Handheld orange smoke flare, buoyancy aids, leash* & whistles are now compulsory.
• Mobile phone / EPIRB recommended. *Dependent on conditions.
1300 Briefing
Inside Village Hall
1600 Race Start
1600 – Wave #1
1615 – Wave #2
Woolacombe Beach North and Lee Bay. Details at briefing.
Please tick box on entry form if you would like to start in the slower, earlier group.
1735 – c.1820 Race Finish
Combe Martin Beach
All-day Pay & Display available in beach car park. Allow plenty of time to leave cars / trailers at Combe Martin. Woolacombe is a 90 min return journey!
c.1830 Prize-giving
Combe Martin Beach
Medal ceremony will be on the beach approximately one hour after the last competitor finishes.
2000 Post-Race Meal
At The Tides Inn Pub, Woolacombe
Don’t forget to tick box for food order(s) for you and your supporters when you enter!
4. Categories & Requirements
Minimum Requirements:
1. Aged 16 or over.
2. Experienced in ocean paddlesport racing proven over distance.
See GB Ocean Ski Entry for full details.
Racing Categories
- Open Men Single Ski
- Open Ladies Single Ski
- U23 Men Single Ski
- U23 Ladies Single Ski
- Open Men ILS Single Ski
- Open Women ILS Single Ski
- Masters Men (40+) Single Ski
- Veterans (55+) Single Ski
- Open Double Ski (any combintation)
- Open Men SUP
- Open Ladies SUP
- Open Men OC1
- Open Ladies OC
- Open Prone Paddle Board
5. Safety
Event safety cover is organised by Saunton Sands Surf Life Saving Club who provide 5 crewed IRB’s (inshore rescue boats), 3 headland spotters and 4 drivers that make a 40 mile round trip with trailers for IRB support.
In all, a minimum of 25 people volunteer their time to ensure the highest standards of safety cover. If this event was run on a commercial basis it wouldn’t be viable. All profits from the event go to Saunton Sands Surf Life Saving Club.
In addition to the IRB safety cover, there are also 2 x 35-foot RIBs, one of them will be anchored at the half way point and is fondly known to the regular competitors as the ‘Mother Ship’. However, it’s official name is ‘Lundy Explorer’ and is owned by Ilfracombe Sea Safari – check out their website for an exhilarating ride of your life!!
6. Après Ski!
Post-Race Meal – The Tides Inn, Woolacombe, EX34 7BP
The post-race meal is also a great part of the Icon Classic event that normally attracts about 100 people. The Tides Inn Pub offers a great view across Woolacombe Bay and its amazing sunsets. There’s nothing like sharing post-race banter over a meal and a pint with fellow competitors and supporters!
Ensure you place an menu order with your entry for you and your supporters as desired!
6. Accommodation
It’s a great idea to plan to stay overnight. Woolacombe is a thriving holiday resort so there is plenty of choice when it comes to accommodation. Recommended:
• Woolacombe Bay Holiday Park
• Woolacombe Sands Holiday Park
• Beach House Surf Lodge
• Imperial Hotel
• North Morte Caravan & Camping Park
• Smugglers Rest
Search online or enquire with the Woolacombe Tourist Information Centre for other alternatives.
3d Video Fly-through!
Fly through the course in 3D from an ocean view and preview the experience from the racers' perspective! HD on, volume up… enjoy…! Made using Google Earth. Enjoy…!
Estimated No. of Competitors
Last date for entry is Midnight, Friday 7th June • Early Entry Discount Ends Monday 3rd June - after this date all entries are +20%.
THIS YEAR'S RACE – 15 JUNE 2019 (see programme below for full details)
The ICON Classic is Britain’s best known downwind ocean paddlesport race. In its 10th Anniversary Year, it has become a key date in the GB Ocean Ski, SUP Outrigger and Paddleboard racing calendars.
Over the past ten years, the race has grown in reputation, attracting top World and European ski paddlers – Sean Rice, Yannick Laousse, Benoit Le Roux, Joep van Bakel, Angie Mouden and Chloe Bunnett are just to mention a few.
This event also attracts some of the UK’s finest downwind SUP paddlers. Such as defending champions Ollie Shilston and Marie Buchanan. Now in it’s 3rd year, the ‘open class’ SUP race sports a field of the UK’s top 30 downwind racers. The 11km course that starts at Lee Bay has become a key event in the UK calendar for the SUP and OC paddlers who want to test their ocean skills. Top UK paddlers such as Ollie Shillston, Marie Buchanan, Pete Holliday and Ryan James are regular faces battling it out for the top spots. (For more SUP specific race event information, refer to the Downwind SUP UK & Ireland Facebook members' group).
Courses & Map
Categories & Requirements
Après Ski!

*Hover over map to enlarge
17km Course – Woolacombe to Combe Martin
Race time: c.80-120 mins
The Classic course heads due north out of Woolacombe Bay towards the notorious Morte Point (French for ‘Death Point’…!). This is where the mighty Atlantic Ocean meets the equally mighty Bristol Channel – home of the world’s second highest tidal range. These two giant bodies of water crash together at Morte Point creating the environment for some monumental sea chop to paddle through! Paddling skills are tested to the limit in any kind of swell, so all senses need to be engaged just 10 minutes into the race start! Not surprisingly, this headland has a dark history of ship wrecking on its sharp jagged rocks; seafarers are advised only ever to navigate the legendary Morte Point during high tide and with a heightened state of awareness – and the same applies to paddlers…..!
Once through Morte Point, there is a sense of relief as the race course steers 60º hard right rudder and east towards Bull Point, where paddling rhythm cannot be assured for at least another 2km until the chop from these corner headlands has calmed. Then, with the spectacular North Devon coastline stretching into the distance, comes the potential to start to really surf the rollers. With 9km of straight paddling ahead and 12km to the finish, it’s time to employ those sea skills learned in training that maximise speed and optimise energy, and find your ‘race-pace’. Lee Bay is very soon passing on the right at the 11km to go mark… so also time to look out for the other paddlesport craft who set off from there about 20-30 mins ago… (continue reading the 11km Course…)
11km Course – Lee Bay to Combe Martin
Race time: c.60-100 mins
SUPs, Prones and Outriggers will have started at a similar time as Surfskis, so most will have already navigated out of the small harbour at Lee Bay and out onto the Bristol Channel. Depending on conditions, the potential for a consistent swell is best along this part of the coastline if the wind is a westerly and downwind as hoped. Depending on the distance from the coastline, paddlers maybe aware of the 5 smaller (non-threatening) headlands before arriving at Ilfracombe – marking over half way for Woolacombe paddlers, and just under half way for paddlers not long out of Lee Bay. After another 3km of riding the rollers, Rillage Point will be the last small headland to paddle passed before beginning the turn further east, and into the home stretch of Combe Martin Bay. With Watermouth Harbour and Castle on the right, the exit from the Bristol Channel has well and truly started – with just 3km left and the finish in the distance, the end is beginning to feel imminent…
But don’t relax yet! These last few kilometres can be the toughest as tiredness sets in and the bay swell throws in some last minute surprises! If the Bristol Channel was consistent, the bay may lure paddlers into a false sense of security. Rollers here can often rebound creating a back swell and swirl. So be prepared. Otherwise the ride to the finish may feel a lot longer and trickier than expected.
Once passed Broadsands Beach on the right, there’s just another 1000m left for that sprint of glory, the run up the beach, and the smile for the cameras as you go through the finish…
But then again, as you’ve been giving it 100% at the end, you might want to prepare yourself for something completely different………!
Alternative Course – Combe Martin Bay
Should conditions on the day be considered too risky to hold the race on the Ocean, there is an alternative circuit event starting and finishing at Combe Martin. If conditions are ambiguous, a decision will be made at the end of the briefing, or before the start of the race.
'Morte Stone'. A poem by Rev Charles Crump, 1850
Morte Stone is the scene of many shipwrecks in the area, in 1850 Rev Charles Crump wrote the following about the infamous 'Morte Stone', off 'Morte Point' (2.5km in, on 17KM Course...)
Morte Stone
Where Devon’s coast its northern line extends
To farthest West, and sudden southward trends,
A rugged promontory rears its head,
Of home returning mariners the dread.
From whose broad base spreads out a long drawn ridge,
Of sunken rocks by sailors term’s a Bridge,
When ebbs the tide, they rise in broken row,
But sink from notice as its waters flow.
One rock above the rest, of evil fame,
Lifts its sharp crest; the Morte Stone is its name,
Whose fatal power, in gone ages known,
In recent times, by many a wreck is shewn.
The Norman mariners, in days of yore,
From sad experience, shunn’d this hated shore;
And home returning, told, with bated breath,
Tales of the Morte Stone, the fell rock of death...
1100 Registration
Woolacombe Village Hall EX34 7BT
All day parking available.
• Don’t forget! Handheld orange smoke flare, buoyancy aids, leash* & whistles are now compulsory.
• Mobile phone / EPIRB recommended. *Dependent on conditions.
1300 Briefing
Inside Village Hall
1600 Race Start
1600 – Wave #1
1615 – Wave #2
Woolacombe Beach North and Lee Bay. Details at briefing.
1735 – c.1820 Race Finish
Combe Martin Beach
All-day Pay & Display available in beach car park. Allow plenty of time to leave cars / trailers at Combe Martin. Woolacombe is a 90 min return journey!
c.1830 Prize-giving
Combe Martin Beach
Medal ceremony will be on the beach approximately one hour after the last competitor finishes.
2000 Post-Race Meal
At The Tides Inn Pub, Woolacombe
Don’t forget to tick box for food order(s) for you and your supporters when you enter!
Minimum Requirements:
1. Aged 16 or over.
2. Experienced in ocean paddlesport racing proven over distance.
See GB Ocean Ski Entry for full details.
Racing Categories
- Open Men Single Ski
- Open Ladies Single Ski
- U23 Men Single Ski
- U23 Ladies Single Ski
- Open Men ILS Single Ski
- Open Women ILS Single Ski
- Masters Men (40+) Single Ski
- Veterans (55+) Single Ski
- Open Double Ski (any combintation)
- Open Men SUP
- Open Ladies SUP
- Open Men OC1
- Open Ladies OC
- Open Prone Paddle Board
Event safety cover is organised by Saunton Sands Surf Life Saving Club who provide 5 crewed IRB’s (inshore rescue boats), 3 headland spotters and 4 drivers that make a 40 mile round trip with trailers for IRB support.
In all, a minimum of 25 people volunteer their time to ensure the highest standards of safety cover. If this event was run on a commercial basis it wouldn’t be viable. All profits from the event go to Saunton Sands Surf Life Saving Club.
In addition to the IRB safety cover, there are also 2 x 35-foot RIBs, one of them will be anchored at the half way point and is fondly known to the regular competitors as the ‘Mother Ship’. However, it’s official name is ‘Lundy Explorer’ and is owned by Ilfracombe Sea Safari – check out their website for an exhilarating ride of your life!!
Post-Race Meal – The Tides Inn, Woolacombe, EX34 7BP
The post-race meal is also a great part of the Icon Classic event that normally attracts about 100 people. The Tides Inn Pub offers a great view across Woolacombe Bay and its amazing sunsets. There’s nothing like sharing post-race banter over a meal and a pint with fellow competitors and supporters!
Ensure you place an menu order with your entry for you and your supporters as desired!
It’s a great idea to plan to stay overnight. Woolacombe is a thriving holiday resort so there is plenty of choice when it comes to accommodation. Recommended:
• Woolacombe Bay Holiday Park
• Woolacombe Sands Holiday Park
• Beach House Surf Lodge
• Imperial Hotel
• North Morte Caravan & Camping Park
• Smugglers Rest
Search online or enquire with the Woolacombe Tourist Information Centre for other alternatives.
3d Video Fly-through!
Fly through the course in 3D from an ocean view and preview the experience from the racers' perspective! HD on, volume up… enjoy…! Made using Google Earth.
Estimated No. of Competitors
Last date for entry is Midnight, Friday 7th June • Early Entry Discount Ends Monday 3rd June - after this date all entries are +20%.